Diary of Unknown Symptoms

Mystery of the Internal Vibration

Entry for January 25, 2008

Happy with the fantastic results with my eyes after taking Lipoic acid but disappointed about still having the vibration, I decided today to start taking Lecithin. Everything I’ve read about Lecithin seem to suggest that it would be extremely beneficial to the nervous system and it supplies the body with methionine.

Lecithin is essential not only for tissue integrity of the nervous and glandular system in all living cells, but has been regarded as also the most effective generator and regenerator of great physical, mental and glandular activity. Shattered nerves, depleted brain power, waning activity of vital glands, find in lecithin, especially in the cellular structure of the nervous system and endocrine glands a source of dynamic energy.”

Lecithin is the most abundant of the phospholipids. It is a fatty food substance, which serves as a structural material for every cell in the body. It is an essential constituent of the human brain and nervous system. It forms 30 per cent of the dry weight of the brain and 17 per cent of the nervous system.

Lecithin is also an important component of the endocrine glands and the muscles of the heart and kidneys. It makes up 73 per cent of the total liver fat. Nervous, mental or glandular overactivity can consume lecithin faster than its replacement.

The body uses methionine to derive a brain food called choline. Therefore, choline or lecithin (which is high in choline) should be added to the diet so that the supply of methionine is not depleted. Beans are low in methionine but rich in lysine; and, since most grains are low in lysine and rich in methionine, combining beans and grains will give a full complement of amino acids.

June 14, 2009 Posted by | Health | , , | Leave a comment

Entry for May 27, 2007

Today I discovered a link with copper and iron as well as a description of iron’s role on the nervous system and a link with candida.

The influence of copper upon human health is due to the fact it is part of enzymes, which are proteins that help biochemical reactions occur in every cell. Copper is involved in the absorption, storage and metabolism of iron. The symptoms of a copper deficiency are similar to iron deficiency anemia.

Copper is also involved with an enzyme that strengthens connective tissue (lysyl oxidase) and in brain neurotransmitters (dopamine hydroxylase and peptidyl alpha amidating monoxygenase). One of the proteins, ceruloplasmin, transports copper as well as helps convert iron to a form that can be transported to other tissues.

Iron is an essential element in maintaining normal structure and functions of the central nervous system. Dangerous effects of decreases in the bioavailability of iron in the brain are shown to affect brain biochemistry, neurotransmitters production and function, mainly in the dopamine-opiate systems well as cognitive functions (learning and memory) and a number of physiological variables such motor activity and thermoregulation. Recent research has shown the added complications and deficits that are introduced in the endocrine and the immune system activity. While iron deficiency is not perceived as a life threatening disorder, it is the most prevalent nutritional disorder in the world and a better understanding of the modes and sites of action, can help devise better treatment programs for those who suffer from it.

Uncontrolled overgrowth of Candida in the mouth may be caused by factors that reduce the natural resistance such as taking oral antibiotics or inhaled corticosteroids. It can also be caused by poorly fitting dentures, excessive use of antibacterial mouthwash, and other factors such as iron deficiency.

May 26, 2007 Posted by | Health | , , , | Leave a comment

Entry for April 01, 2007

No vibration again last night or this morning.

The human body is an incredible, complex machine. Today I discover that the adrenals and thyroid are linked with an imbalance with the autonomic nervous system. Now there’s a clue for sure. No wonder the herbal complex included other herbs for calming the nervous system. So it probably doesn’t matter what I take for the adrenals or the thyroid unless I take care of the nervous exhaustion first.

Autonomic Response, Stress and Hypothyroidism

The thyroid is activated by the sympathetic nervous system as part of the fight-or-flight response to stress. If the autonomic nervous system is excessively sensitive or overstimulated, overstimulation of the thyroid occurs. The first effect is an increased thyroid and adrenal response. This may continue for several hours, days or years, depending upon its intensity. Then the thyroid weakens and can no longer maintain its response. Hypothyroidism then results.

This chain of events is labeled the General Adaptation Syndrome by Dr. Hans Selye, M.D. The alarm response, including excessive thyroid activity, is the first stage of adaptation. During the resistance and exhaustion stages, the thyroid weakens and hypothyroidism occurs.

This type of hypothyroidism can be caused by any type of stress. Eventually the thyroid becomes nutritionally depleted and cannot function properly. If the autonomic nervous system is out of balance, the thyroid is not properly stimulated by the pituitary to produce adequate amounts of thyroid hormone.

Correction Of Hypothyroidism

The common treatment of hypothyroidism involves hormone replacement with either natural bovine thyroid hormone (Armour thyroid) or with synthetic hormones (Synthroid, Cytomel, etc.). In some cases, this corrects the symptoms. This treatment, however, does not correct the cause of the problem. The patient usually is told he or she must remain on the hormones for life.

In many cases, hormone replacement does not clear up all the symptoms. This occurs for several reasons:

• Symptoms may be caused by adrenal as well as thyroid underactivity. Both the adrenal and thyroid imbalances must be corrected.

• The cause of symptoms is an autonomic nervous system imbalance, which affects far more than just the thyroid gland.

• Thyroid hormones are adequate, but do not reach the cells, the target site for the hormone. This may be due to low tissue potassium, elevated tissue calcium and magnesium, or the presence of toxic metals.

• An improper diet can offset the effects of the hormones.

• Overwhelming stress or nutritional deficiencies prevent a satisfactory response

Adrenal Exhaustion and Hypothyroidism

The adrenal and thyroid glands work in close harmony. The adrenal hormones cause the conversion and release of sugars. Thyroid hormone is needed for oxidation or combustion of the sugars. Often hypothyroidism is accompanied by reduced adrenal gland activity. Blood tests are not always accurate for detecting adrenal insufficiency.

The symptoms of adrenal insufficiency are similar to hypothyroidism. In some instances, the thyroid gland attempts to compensate for reduced adrenal activity. This may work for a time, but eventually the thyroid becomes exhausted as well.

April 1, 2007 Posted by | Health | , , | Leave a comment

Entry for February 03, 2007

This is the first reference I’ve come across to mention zinc for calming the nervous system.


The health of the autonomic nervous system is a important key to healing that is often overlooked. Most people today have some degree of sympathetic nervous exhaustion. It is, in fact, a major cause of disease that should receive more attention. On a brighter note, nervous exhaustion can also cause a person to begin searching for answers deep inside. This can lead to changing your lifestyle and eating habits, and developing your inner potential. As more people become willing to change their thought patterns and lifestyles, they will experience a state of contentment and bliss that comes with having a balanced autonomic system.

The nervous system must be properly nourished to function correctly. Animal protein is particularly helpful for the brain and nervous system as it contains fats and proteins essential for the nerves. These include the omega-3 and omega-6 essential fatty acids. Excellent foods for the nervous system are eggs, meats, nuts, root vegetables and oily fish such as sardines and salmon.

Supplemental nutrients that calm the sympathetic system are calcium, magnesium, and zinc in particular. Most everyone should take these supplements today, as their dietary intake is often low. B-complex vitamins are also most important, and are primarily obtained from nutritional yeast, meats and eggs. High doses, however, are rarely needed. Other calming nutrients are GABA, L-taurine and L-carnitine. Herbs that calm the nervous system are valerian, passionflower, skullcap and hops, among others.

I’ll add 30 mg of zinc twice a day and because there is an important ratio with copper, I’ll add 3 mg a day as well.

February 3, 2007 Posted by | Health | , , , , | Leave a comment

Entry for August 13, 2006

Went back to my normal vitamins and by noon I feel great with a lot more energy. The only real difference? I took 300 mg of magnesium citrate. I hit google looking for some tips for better absorbtion.

Symptoms of Magnesium Deficiency?

Symptoms involving impaired contraction of smooth muscles include constipation; urinary spasms; menstrual cramps; difficulty swallowing or a lump in the throat-especially provoked by eating sugar; photophobia, especially difficulty adjusting to oncoming bright headlights in the absence of eye disease; and loud noise sensitivity from stapedius muscle tension in the ear.

Other symptoms and signs of magnesium deficiency and discuss laboratory testing for this common condition. Continuing with the symptoms of magnesium deficiency, the central nervous system is markedly affected. Symptoms include insomnia, anxiety, hyperactivity and restlessness with constant movement, panic attacks, agoraphobia, and premenstrual irritability. Magnesium deficiency symptoms involving the peripheral nervous system include numbness, tingling, and other abnormal sensations, such as zips, zaps and vibratory sensations.

Prevention and Treatment of Magnesium Deficiency Using Oral and Injectable Magnesium

For people who suffer from chronic magnesium deficiency and also to prevent the development of this condition, oral magnesium supplements can be quite useful. Magnesium is available in many forms. The cheapest is probably magnesium oxide, but this form is not absorbed as well as some other forms, which include chelated magnesium, magnesium glycinate and magnesium aspartate. Dr. Baker feels that the prescription form of magnesium chloride, known as Slow-mag, has been most useful for his patients.

I have found that magnesium taurate, an unusual form of magnesium in which magnesium is chemically combined with the amino acid derivative taurine, is particularly well utilized and beneficial. This is because some of the same effects that one hopes to get from magnesium, such as the calming effect on the nervous system, and the strengthening effect on heart muscle, is also gotten with taurine. So, the two are synergistic together. I use it in all forms of cardiac and nervous system disorders.

What about dosage? The recommended daily allowance or RDA for magnesium is 350 milligrams of elemental magnesium. An important point here is that when reading the label of a supplement containing magnesium, it is important to distinguish between the number of milligrams per tablet or capsule of the entire magnesium complex versus the number of milligrams of elemental magnesium or pure magnesium. For example, one label of a chelated magnesium states that 4 tablets contain 4,000 mg of the chelated magnesium complex with 500 mg of elemental magnesium. The important number is the one that refers to the elemental magnesium. The other 3,500 mg in this case refers to the amino acid complex that is bound to the magnesium.

Keeping this definition of elemental magnesium in mind, many people do not even get the RDA of 350 mg of magnesium daily. A therapeutic dosage could easily run between 400 mg and 1000 mg daily of elemental magnesium in divided doses. In people with normal kidneys, it is difficult to reach toxic levels of magnesium. However, too much oral magnesium will result in diarrhea. Recall that milk of magnesia is a laxative containing a magnesium salt. Patients suffering from chronic kidney failure must be much more careful because their kidneys have difficulty eliminating magnesium and a toxic buildup may occur. Toxic levels of magnesium may lead to depression of the entire nervous system and even coma and death. But, this is extraordinarily rare and occurs only in patients with severe kidney function impairment. In general, magnesium doses of 1000 mg per day or less are extremely safe.

If this form of magnesium taurate has a calming effect on the nervous system and best absorption, then I’m off to see if I can get some.

Magnesium taurate at dosages of 250 to 500 mg., if well tolerated (no diarrhea) by the intestines, is better absorbed than any other oral tablet or capsule. This approach requires 6 to 12 months.

There is virtually no illness, which is not helped significantly by magnesium.

August 14, 2006 Posted by | Health | , , , | Leave a comment

Entry for July 15, 2006


Iridology Appointment: 10:00 AM

She invites me in and shows me to her basement office. I take a seat and she hands me my eyology report and comments that it took her five hours to produce. She pulls up my iris pictures and reviews the report. It starts with my iris type.

Genotype (Iris Constitution): Biliary

Genetic predisposition to gastrointestinal weakness with poor liver, gall bladder and pancreatic function. Symptoms include biliousness, digestive disorders like flatulence, constipation erratic blood sugar levels, migraines, lethargy and skin problems. There may be a heightened sensitivity to chemicals and superheated fats and oils.

General Recommendations:

-Avoid high fat foods like cheese and meat, fried foods and high sugar foods.

-Ensure daily bowel movement

-Take hot and cold foot baths to encourage blood and lymph circulation.

-Avoid alcohol which puts stress on the liver and kidneys.

Everything so far is very generic and could apply to anyone.

“There are beginnings of healing lines in this profile and whatever he has done to come back to balance through natural means have been effective.”

“This profle is marked by a state of general anxiety.”

“The Digestive, Nervous, Cardiovascular, Respiratory, Endocrine and Urinary need to be looked at in more depth and balanced.”

Then she goes into each system in more detail and pulls up each picture to explain her findings in the iris and sclera.

Body Systems

Digestive: This system shows lack of tone at the cecum reflexing the pancreas and the descending reflexing the heart and upper abdomen. There are no signs of the autonomic nervous wreath at the cecum (reflexing pancreas), the descending (reflexing the upper abdomen) and the sigmoid (reflexing the lower abdomen, the pelvis and the small intestines (reflexing the low back) on the left iris and the cecum on the right. In these areas there is a minimal nerve transmission which would therefore make these areas weaker. This system also shows signs of significant diet abuse and possible yeast indications. Healing lines are starting to happen especially in the esophagus, ascending, transverse and sigmoid colon, small intestines and the pancreas.

Nervous: This system shows a tendency to general exhaustion and general state of anxiety even though the patient projects a calm demeanor. These two qualities may have emerged with the recent illness however, numerous cramp rings suggest otherwise. Radicals denoting sluggish impulse at the transverse reflex the cerebellum, subcortex, the limbic and sympathetic nervous system and well as the adrenal gland. Again, there are the beginning signs of healing at the pituitary, pineal, conceptual mind, the cerebellum and the sinuses. There are also indications of drug imbediment in the head area, but this too shows healing signs.

Cardiovascular: This system shows vulnerability to problems due to genetics and diet abuse in the past. The area where is heart is in the iris shows a large and deep lacuna with healing signs. There are also indications of vascular plaque and fatty buildup, sluggish circulation with a potential for serious cardiovascular problems, and a weakened and possibly anemic state. Although there was no mention of cardiovasular problems, this system needs to be addressed with immediacy.

Endocrine: This system shows an anxiety line running through the adrenal on both irises and a staircase lacuna at the pancreas on the right. Although this seems to cause an immune compromise to the system, there are healing lines. There are also indications of healing lines at the thyroid. The prostate though shows possible imbalance.

Immune/Lymphatic/Respiratory: The Immune System shows the effects of longterm use of medications for allergies. However, there are healing lines in the respiratory (trachea, tonsils), the endocrine (parathyroid), and the lower jaw and sinus. There are indications of an imbalance in the Respiratory System especially in the bronchioles and at the throat.

Urinary: This system may also be vunerable due to it’s close connection to the heart and cardiovascular system and to it’s function of filtering toxins. The kidney shows a huge lacuna, congestion and pathogenic activity at the bladder and tissue hardening. However, there are healing lines in these two organs.

Muscular/Skeletal: There are indications of connective tissue breakdown and possible effects of long term use of medications in this system. Some areas of the iris show high tissue acidity or inflammation.

She points to the under part of the eye and says this is a sign of yeast overgrowth: Candida. I explain that the naturopath has already tried this and I didn’t feel any difference after three weeks of the Candida Diet and she felt that three weeks wasn’t long enough.

She takes a look at my suppliments and writes down the new dosage and splits them into three groups. Group one are the ones I need right now, Group two are needed but not as important and Group three she said I didn’t need.

Group two was my Enzymes and within Group three was Magnesium.

She also suggested some weird herbal remedies that I’ve never heard of. She only has one that she can sell to me and it’s called Chelex Tincture. The rest I’ll need to order from the health food store.

Chelex Tincture

Chelex tincture contains herbs researched for their effects on counteracting heavy metals and disarming free radicals and the essential oil of helichrysum, which has been studied for its natural chelating action. Chelex contains herbal ingredients synergistically formulated to help rid the body of heavy metals and other immune-damaging free radicals. Heavy metals absorbed from the air, water, food, skin care products, etc., lodge and store in the fatty layers of the body and give off toxic gases in the system, which may create allergic symptoms. Ridding our bodies of heavy metals is extremely important in order to have healthy immune function, especially if we have mercury fillings. This formula contains the essential oil of helichrysum, which may help the body in the elimination of heavy metals because of its natural chelating action.

So with her new suppliment dosages, I only take what she deemed necessary and I only take the supplements in group one and in her new dosage so I don’t take any enzymes with my dinner. We talk about jucing vegetables and tells me that I should purchase a juicer as they are fairly cheap at Wal-Mart for under $40.00.

She touches a bit on my emotional side and I explain about my deep connection with the death of John Lennon. I was only 10 years old at the time but it still has an effect on me and she thought it was weird because he isn’t somebody that I am close to. He wasn’t direct family. I also went further to explain a high school breakup that was very emotional for me.

She talks about my internal vibration and says that in meditation, the body has a natural vibration that has a positive impact.

She shows me the area of the heart and it has healing lines. She said that whatever changes that I have made recently have prevented a heart attack! I found this really amazing because I never mentioned anything about my high blood pressure or the chest pains. I do know that magnesium and omega 3 is known to prevent heart attacks and I’ve added both recently. But she just told me that I didn’t need the magnesium supplement that I was taking?

She went on to explain about taking cold foot baths and that exactly what Dr. Jenson was taking about in his book. Another suggestion? I should eat seven almonds per day. She gave me a bunch of good food combinations and explained in more detail:

The theory of dietetics is based upon the hypothesis that inadequate absorption of food causes degeneration of tissue, and that for perfect metabolism do not combine foods high in starches with food high in proteins or fats in the same meal. It is, of course, impossible not to combine proteins and carbohydrates in the same meal. Practically all foods have some protein, some carbohydrate or some fat. However, a meal can be predominantly protein or predominantly carbohydrate.

The contention of these doctors is that a combination of high protein and high starches inhibits the absorption of all the nutritive factors of foods and results in an unnecessary burden upon the entire digestive apparatus.

She said that it would take six months before a person sees any change in the iris but we would have a follow up session in a couple of weeks. I ask her about taking wheatgrass and she says I should take it everyday.

I leave her house a little disappointed and with a little bit more knowledge. I don’t know what to think. It’s the most detailed report I’ve ever seen but how accurate is it? My other Doctors have told me that everything is normal but there is certainly a difference of opinion here!

Everything she seemed to suggest is on the expensive side. I’ll have to break everything down and research everything with Dr. Google before I try anything else.

July 16, 2006 Posted by | Health | , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Entry for July 13, 2006

Brain and Nervous System

General Health Information

The brain and nervous system act as the bodys electrical system communicating millions of messages every second. The brain is the command center and coordinates incoming and outgoing messages from all over the body. A healthy brain and nervous system enable us to cope well and respond appropriately to the countless stimuli we encounter daily. Our nervous system can become overloaded and begin to malfunction if we do not maintain it properly as well as filter excessive stimuli or stress.

An important factor to a healthy nervous system is the proper balance of the brain’s neurotransmitters (chemicals that transmit information from one nerve cell to another) such as dopamine, GABA (gamma-aminobutyric acid), and serotonin.  A healthy nervous system allows us to handle lifes ups-and-downs smoothly, and to feel more emotionally balanced.  Exercise, stress-management techniques, proper nutrition and diet can help to better balance the brain’s intricate chemistry.

Several key nutrients are necessary to supply the chemicals responsible for the formation of the brain’s neurotransmitters, thus helping to balance brain chemistry. When taken on a daily basis, supplementation with certain amino acids, vitamins and minerals, antioxidants, and herbs helps us feel more mentally balanced and provides us with an overall sense of well-being.

Wellness Plan for Support of Brain and Nervous Systems  

Well balanced diet

Regular exercise

Stress management

Supplement Recommendations:  Vitamins and Minerals – B-complex, folic acid, inositol, copper, manganese, potassium, zinc, selenium, boron, calcium and magnesium 

Antioxidants – coenzyme Q10, vitamins C & E, n-acetylcarnitine, melatonin, Pycogenol, grape seed extract, and NADH 

Essential Fatty Acids – DHA and omega-3 

Amino Acids – GABA, asparagine, aspartic acid, glutamine, glycine, taurine, phenylalanine, 5-HTP, and tyrosine 

Herbs and Phytonutrients – gingko biloba, rosemary, sage, horsebalm, brazil nut, fenugreek, stinging nettle, gota kola, ginseng, ashwagandha, phosphatidylserine, DMAE, and huperzine 

July 13, 2006 Posted by | Health | , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Entry for July 11, 2006

New clues about vitamin D function in the nervous system

Accumulating data have provided evidence that 1 alpha,25 dihydroxyvitamin D(3) [1,25-(OH)(2)D(3)] is involved in brain function. Thus, the nuclear receptor for 1,25-(OH)(2)D(3) has been localized in neurons and glial cells. Genes encoding the enzymes involved in the metabolism of this hormone are also expressed in brain cells.

The reported biological effects of 1,25-(OH)(2)D(3) in the nervous system include the biosynthesis of neurotrophic factors and at least one enzyme involved in neurotransmitter synthesis. 1,25-(OH)(2)D(3) can also inhibit the synthesis of inducible nitric oxide synthase and increase glutathione levels, suggesting a role for the hormone in brain detoxification pathways.

Neuroprotective and immunomodulatory effects of this hormone have been described in several experimental models, indicating the potential value of 1,25-(OH)(2)D(3) pharmacological analogs in neurodegenerative and neuroimmune diseases. In addition, 1,25-(OH)(2)D(3) induces glioma cell death, making the hormone of potential interest in the management of brain tumors.

These results reveal previously unsuspected roles for 1,25-(OH)(2)D(3) in brain function and suggest possible areas of future research.

July 11, 2006 Posted by | Health | , | Leave a comment

Entry for July 03, 2006

A while back I made the discovery about the link between B1 and the myelin sheaths that protect the nerves. Today, I discover what the myelin sheaths are made out of. Sounds exactly like the feelings on the top of my head…

Nervous System Support

Vitamin B1 also plays a key role in support of the nervous system, where it permits healthy development of the fat-like coverings which surround most nerves (called myelin sheaths). In the absence of vitamin B1, these coverings can degenerate or become damaged. Pain, prickly sensations, and nerve deadening are nerve-related symptoms that can result from vitamin B1 deficiency.

Approximately 30% of your brain is composed of lecithin. Of the insulating and protective sheaths that surround your brain, spine, and thousands of miles of nerves, lecithin accounts for two-thirds of their composition; and of all the muscles in your body, your heart – the hardest muscle to fatigue – has the highest lecithin content.

Prickly sensations? I’ll add lecithin to my daily vitamins…

July 3, 2006 Posted by | Health | , , , , , | Leave a comment

Entry for June 15, 2006

Nervous System Support

Vitamin B1 also plays a key role in support of the nervous system, where it permits healthy development of the fat-like coverings which surround most nerves (called myelin sheaths). In the absence of vitamin B1, these coverings can degenerate or become damaged. Pain, prickly sensations, and nerve deadening are nerve-related symptoms that can result from vitamin B1 deficiency.
A second type of connection between vitamin B1 and the nervous system involves its role in the production of the messaging molecule acetylcholine. This molecule, called a neurotransmitter, is used by the nervous system to relay messages between the nerves and muscles. Acetylcholine cannot be produced without adequate supplies of vitamin B1. Because acetylcholine is used by the nervous system to ensure proper muscle tone in the heart, deficiency of B1 can also result in compromised heart function.
Deficiency Symptoms
What are deficiency symptoms for vitamin B1?
Because of its ability to disrupt the body’s energy production, one of the first symptoms of vitamin B1 deficiency is loss of appetite (called anorexia) that reflects the body’s listlessness and malaise.
Inability of the nervous system to ensure proper muscle tone in the GI tract can lead to indigestion or constipation, and muscle tenderness, particularly in the calf muscles.
Other symptoms related to nerve dysfunction are commonly associated with thiamin deficiency, since the myelin sheaths wrapping the nerves cannot be correctly made without adequate thiamin. These nerve-related symptoms include “pins and needles” sensations or numbness, especially in the legs.
Toxicity Symptoms

What are toxicity symptoms for vitamin B1? Even at extremely high doses of 500 milligrams per day, vitamin B1 intake does not appear to carry a risk of toxicity. This vitamin is often supplemented in high doses during treatment of maple sugar urine disease (MSUD), and may be given intravenously in treatment of alcoholism; these clinical circumstances have provided a broad basis for determining the low risk of toxicity associated with increased intake of thiamin. In its most recent 1998 recommendations for intake of B-complex vitamins, the Institute of Medicine at the National Academy of Sciences did not establish a Tolerable Upper Limit (UL) for intake of vitamin B1
Nutrient Interactions

How do other nutrients interact with vitamin B1? No B-complex vitamin is more dependent on its fellow B vitamins than thiamin. Absorption of thiamin into the body requires adequate supplies of vitamins B6, B12, and folic acid. A deficiency in vitamin B12 can increase loss of thiamin in the urine, and vitamin B6 also appears to help regulate distribution of thiamin throughout the body.  If folic acid is deficient in the cells, then it causes an indirect thiamine deficiency because thiamine is present but cannot be activated.
Maybe it’s time to research folic acid.

June 16, 2006 Posted by | Health | , , , | Leave a comment

Entry for June 02, 2006


Still effected by Bill Cameron’s story, I was doing a bit of research reagrding esophageal cancer and I come across the following:

Electromagnetic Fields (EMF)

Extremely low frequency (ELF) electromagnetic fields are emitted by the electrical lines and electric appliances found in most homes in the developed world.  Because of the widespread use of electricity, exposure is rather universal, but levels vary according to the number of appliances in use, the proximity of the individual to the source of the field and the number of hours a person is exposed to the fields. 

For example, sleeping under an electric blanket, or on a waterbed with a heater that has not been redesigned to prevent the emissions, creates a long, nightly exposure. Likewise, there is some evidence that men who use electric razors may suffer negative health effects due to the close proximity of the shaver’s EMF field to the face and central nervous system.

An EMF field from an electric razor? This is crazy! And I use an electric razor of course… I get out my meter and turn on the razor holding it as close to the meter as it would be to the skin. The reading is off the scale. Granted, I only use it for 2-3 minutes but it’s every day use and long term exposure…makes you wonder…

June 2, 2006 Posted by | Health | , , | Leave a comment

Entry for May 05, 2006

Doing some more reasearch with gastrointestinal symptoms and maldigestion and I come across a very interesting article by Dr. Joseph A. Debé (Chiropractor & Board Certified Nutritionist)

Another common cause of gastrointestinal symptoms is maldigestion. The digestive process actually begins with our mental state before we eat. If we are relaxed and looking forward to an enjoyable meal, there is a very different effect on our physiology than if we are stressed out and have to eat in a rush. The body does not digest food well when under stress. Stress causes an activation of the sympathetic nervous system, which is responsible for the “fight or flight reaction”.

When the sympathetic nervous system is activated, digestive secretions slow, blood flow is diverted away from the gastrointestinal organs, and the speed at which food moves through the system is altered. (The speed at which food moves through the system can be investigated by eating corn, recording the date and time, and then looking at each subsequent bowel movement and recording the date and time when the corn first appears. A “transit time” of less than 20 or more than 30 hours is abnormal and is associated with maldigestion and malabsorption.

The individual consuming the food does not benefit from its nutrients but toxic organisms, that get to feed upon it, do!) Many relaxation techniques are effective in reducing stress. Techniques developed by a non-profit organization called “The Institute of Heart Math” have been proven to normalize sympathetic nervous system activity, boost immune system function, and balance stress hormones.

Chiropractic also influences sympathetic nervous system activity, and I have seen first-hand the benefits for gastrointestinal symptoms. To aid relaxation at mealtime, before you start to eat, take a deep breath and exhale. Avoid stressful environments and conversation when you eat. Pay attention to your food – don’t watch television or read while eating.

Even if this Niacin treatment works, I think I’ll still visit a Chiropractor. Why not?

Started taking 100 mg of Niacin a day.

May 5, 2006 Posted by | Health | , , | Leave a comment

Entry for April 29, 2006


With these new theories swirling around my head, I go to the Nutritional Summary web site and look up pears. From the list of protein and amino acids I notice that two of the highest ingredients are acids.

Pear (Raw)

Protein & Amino Acids:

Aspartic acid: 173 mg
Glutamic acid: 49.5 mg

Both of these work as excitatory neurotransmitters in the nervous system. As I look up the effects of Amino Acids and how diet can effect the nervous system, I come across Niacin deficiency:

Niacin (nicotinic acid) is another one of the B-complex vitamins that may be linked to neurological damage. Mild niacin deficiency is associated with weakness, tremor, anxiety, depression and irritability.

Niacin helps increase energy through improving food utilization and has been used beneficially for treating fatigue, irritability, and digestive disorders, such as diarrhea, constipation, and indigestion. It may also stimulate extra hydrochloric acid production.

Nicotinic acid also helps reduce blood pressure and, very importantly, acts as an agent to lower serum cholesterol. Treatment with about 2 grams a day of nicotinic acid has produced significant reductions in both blood cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

In general, niacin deficiency affects every cell, especially in those systems with rapid turnover, such as the skin, gastrointestinal tract, and nervous system. Other than photosensitivity, the first signs of niacin deficiency are noted as decreased energy production and problems with maintaining healthy functioning of the skin and intestines. These symptoms include weakness and general fatigue, anorexia, indigestion, and skin eruptions. These can progress to other problems, such as a sore, red tongue, canker sores, nausea, vomiting, tender gums, bad breath, and diarrhea. The neurological symptoms may begin with irritability, insomnia, and headaches and then progress to tremors, extreme anxiety and depression. The skin will worsen, as will the diarrhea and inflammation of the mouth and intestinal tract. There will be a lack of stomach acid production (achlorhydria) and a decrease in fat digestion and, thus, lower availability from food absorption of the fat-soluble vitamins, such as A, D, and E.

The liver can synthesize niacin from the essential amino acid tryptophan but the synthesis is extremely slow and requires vitamin B6. Bacteria in the gut may also perform the conversion but are inefficient.

Many food charts list only sources that actually contain niacin and do not take into account tryptophan conversion into niacin. Approximately 60 mg of tryptophan can generate 1 mg of niacin. But tryptophan is available for conversion only when there are more than sufficient quantities in the diet to synthesize the necessary proteins as tryptophan is used in our body with the other essential amino acids to produce protein.

Niacin needs are based on caloric intake. We need about 6.6 mg. per 1,000 calories, and no less than 13 mg. per day. Women need at least 13 mg. and men at least 18 mg. per day. The RDA for children ranges from 9-16 mg.

A mild niacin deficiency can cause a tremor! How interesting… Is this the breakthrough I’ve been waiting for? I’m also wondering now if this explains why my triglyceride levels were so high on the last blood test. Back on April 11th, the acupuncture doctor told me there was only two reasons for high triglycerides.

1) Eat a lot of fat red meat.

2) Not eating enough fruits and vegetables.

Now there is a third: NIACIN Deficiency.

I look up pears and they only contain 0.3 mg of Niacin however a can of tuna has 21.5 mg per can and it contains 440 mg of tryptophan.

Looks like I’m having Tuna for lunch!

April 28, 2006 Posted by | Health | , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Entry for March 25, 2006

Took my blood pressure first thing this morning and it was 189/132. Am I using it properly? Why is it so high? One minute it’s high, normal the next…It’s all over the place! I have been sitting at my desk for 30 minutes in a relaxed position with both feet on the floor. I lookup the cardiac symptoms of EMF exposure.

Cardiac: palpitations, arrhythmias, pain or pressure in the chest, low or high blood pressure, slow or fast heart rate, shortness of breath.

Cardiac arrhythmia: A group of conditions in which the muscle contraction of the heart is irregular or is faster or slower than normal.

High blood pressure is a symptom and so is arrhythmias. Luckily, an arrhythmia can be picked up on an ECG so I’ll find out on Wednesday when I follow up with the walk in clinic. I have a bowl of oats and an apple for breakfast and I take two 500 mg tablets of Vitamin C to start the day. I’m starting to wonder why the Vitamin C has such an effect on me. Back to Dr. Google and I come across a site that explains the effects of Vitamin C. What does it do for your body?

Vitamin C is involved in over 300 biological processes in the body.

NERVOUS SYSTEM – Vitamin C plays a role in the conversion of tryptophan to serotonin, a neurotransmitter with many vital functions.

Conversion of tryptophan to serotonin? I have no idea what they are so I google Serotonin.

Serotonin is a monoamine neurotransmitter synthesised in serotonergic neurons in the central nervous system and enterochromaffin cells in the gastrointestinal tract.

Well isn’t that interesting? Serotonin is connected to the normal function of the nervous system and Vitamin C helps create it. Have I made another discovery? Is this why the internal vibration stops when I have an increased level of Vitamin C?

March 25, 2006 Posted by | Health | , , , , , , | Leave a comment

Entry for March 20, 2006

Almost a week after the acupuncture and the stuffiness in my nose is still reduced. It’s not totally gone but it’s a noticeable difference and I’m very happy with the progress after one appointment. My allergies have been around for fifteen years and not one doctor, not one specialist, not one friend ever mentioned acupuncture for allergies.

My good friend returns my message from last week and tell me about how he was away on vacation. I ask him about his daughter’s symptoms and he says the doctors never found anything and how they determined it was stress. (Really? surprise, surprise!)

I talk with him for over an hour detailing my timeline and recent discoveries. He’s very interested and I ask him if anyone else in his house has any weird symptoms and he mentions a symptom for his wife. I look it up and it a listed symptom. It’s a general symptom but it’s listed. I also mention Kevin Trudeau’s book and what he says about electromagnetic fields. He’s heard of his infomercial but not the book.

We talk further about health in general and he mentions his Chiropractor. The doctor explained to him how he specialises in the diagnosis and treatment of conditions which are due to mechanical dysfunction of the joints and their effects on the nervous system. I told him that in Kevin Trudeau’s book one of the things he mentions about maintaining a healthy body is to see a Chiropractor once a month whether you need to or not and he agrees.

Effects on the nervous system? Isn’t that interesting? Maybe I should see a Chiropractor.

March 21, 2006 Posted by | Health | , , , , , | Leave a comment

Entry for July 18, 2005

Dipylidium Caninum

Searching Google my wife found a web site that said the human infection of tapeworms can effect the nervous system and that the symptoms are mostly asymptomatic. This is too familiar as all of my symptoms are very mild and very vague. That would explain why the doctor couldn’t find anything wrong!

Pathology and clinical symptoms: Most infected persons are asymptomatic. Severe infection may cause indigestion, abdominal pain, diarrhea, anal pruritus, and nervous symptoms.

Diagnosis: Diagnosis depends on the recovery and identification of gravid proglottids or egg-balls in the stool.

Egg-balls in the stool? This should make the sample really interesting! My wife is now six months pregnant with our baby and I’m two months carrying a tapeworm.

Talk about sympathy pregnancy… Holy Cow!

March 3, 2006 Posted by | Health | , , , | Leave a comment